Political Signs – The Who, What, When and Where

There are laws that protect a homeowner’s right in a common interest community (commonly known as an HOA) to place political signs on their property.  With election day coming up, many political signs will begin to pop up. The Foundation has adopted an Sign & Flag that complies with the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) and recent legislative changes.

Per CCIOA, an association shall not prohibit the display of a political sign by the owner or occupant of a unit on property within the boundaries of the unit or in a window of the unit. Per Section 38-33.3-106.5 of CCIOA, signs and flags may be posted by an Owner or Occupant of a unit on private property within the boundaries of that unit or in a window of the unit under the following conditions:
i. Signs:

  1. Signs may only be displayed within the boundaries of an Owner’s or occupant’s lot.
  2. The area of an individual sign may not exceed 12 square feet. 
  3. The top of any sign, except window signs, shall be no higher than 4 feet from the ground.
  4. Posting of signs on trees is not permitted.
  5. Lighting of signs is not permitted


  1. Flags may only be displayed on a freestanding flagpole or a flagpole that is attached to a dwelling unit.
  2. The area of an individual flag may not exceed 15 square feet.

As stated in the Genesee Foundation Member Commitment to Civility, we believe all interactions in the community should be civil despite any difference of opinion on a particular issue. Finding common ground and engaging in civil discussion is important to each of us. We trust that all our residents will be respectful and accountable for their own actions and words.

  • The content of Signs and Flags are not regulated by the Genesee Foundation.
  • No more than a total of two displays, whether Signs, Flags, or both, may be displayed within the lot or unit boundaries, including in windows and on balconies, patios, or decks.
  • All Signs and Flags shall be professionally manufactured and lettered. No handwritten Signs or Flags shall be allowed.
  • All Signs and Flags must be maintained in good condition, free from fading, fraying, and may not be torn or ripped.

If you have any questions, please email Board@geneseefoundation.org.


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