During the summer, the Jefferson County Transportation and Engineering Department conducted a site study regarding signage and speed limits on County roads in Genesee. Based on their findings, the department notified the Foundation on August 19th that they intend to raise the speed limits on several of our roads.
We must emphasize that Genesee Foundation did not make these requests. The Genesee Fire and Safety Committee only requested through our patrol liaison, information on a contact at the department and the process to contact Jefferson County about our traffic signage. The County proceeded with a full review on their own.
Residents on Currant Drive, Bitterroot Lane and Shooting Star are the most affected.
“If a party is not satisfied with the decision from Development and Transportation staff on a sign request, the party may, within 35 calendar days of notification of the decision, file an appeal with the Director of Transportation & Engineering requesting a review of the decision. The request for the appeal shall be made in writing and shall state the specific reasons and evidence why staff’s decision should be overturned. “
If any party wishes to file an appeal, please follow these instructions:
- Send an email to transeng@jeffco.us by September 23, 2020 at 5pm.
- Use “Genesee Speed Limits” as the subject line.
- Address to Mr. Steve Durian, Director of Transportation and Engineering.
- State specific reasons and evidence why staff’s decision should be overturned.
The Board requests that you copy us at:board@geneseefoundation.org by Sept. 16th so we can determine if we should respond for the Foundation.
The original communication from the County is below for your information, and our thanks in advance for your expedient action and support!
Dear Genesee Community Members:
The Genesee Fire and Safety Committee requested Jefferson County review speed limits within Genesee.. The County found that there are inconsistencies within the community, where the same or very similar roads are posted at two different speed limits, and that the speed limits set within Genesee are inconsistent with other mountain communities in the County. The County does not typically post speed limits below 25 mph on paved roads.
Based on these findings, the County will implement a plan to rectify the confusing signage which includes installing “Residential Area Speed Limit 25 MPH Unless Otherwise Posted” signs in the Genesee community and removing any posted Speed Limit 20 MPH. The County collected speed data from a sample of these roadways and found that the average speed motorists are already driving is 25 MPH. The County does not expect the average speed to change with the new signs.
The following neighborhood collector roads will remain at Speed Limit 30 MPH: Genesee Ridge Rd, Genesee Trail Rd, Genesee Village Rd, Genesee Vista Rd, Foothills Dr, and Montane Dr.
Any private roads not under jurisdiction of the County may post speed limits which differ from the County’s proposed plan.
This change should help with the following:
- Reduce confusion regarding the speed limit on roads which are not posted with a speed limit
- Create consistency among roads which are posted, eliminating conflicting signs
- Promote clear and fair speed limits for both motorists and enforcement personnel
- Utilize average speed motorists are already driving
For more information about speed limits please see the following:
- https://www.jeffco.us/3989/Speed-Limits
- https://www.codot.gov/library/Brochures/Establishing_Realistic_Speed_Limits_Brochure.pdf
- https://www.geneseefoundation.org/fs-traffic-safety
From Transportation and Engineering