Today’s Fire Danger
Current Conditions
Clicking on the Genesee Fire/Rescue badge will take you to the Current Conditions page of the Genesee Fire/Rescue website. This page has links to:
Genesee Current (weather) Conditions (Genesee personal station)
*Fire Weather Forecast (National Weather Service, Denver/Boulder)
Fire Restrictions and Bans (Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office)
Drought Monitor (National Drought Monitor Mitigation Center)
Air Quality (
InciWeb (fire locations in North America)
All the above links (through the Genesee F/R page will require additional input from you to get Genesee information. The link below is the same as the second link above and bypasses the Genesee F/R page.
* Current Fire Danger in Genesee Enter Genesee CO in the box at the top left corner of the page. From the Denver/Boulder Weather Forecast Office of the National Weather Service.
Building or maintaining any recreational fire is “not authorized” but use of gas-fueled, charcoal, or other fire-limiting appliances is allowed.
Only liquid-fueled or gas-fueled appliances are allowed; any appliance where the fire can be “turned off” rather than “put out.”
A combination of weather and fuels conditions determined by local fire managers for 3 hours or more in a 12-hour period. Examples: Frequent gusts of 25 mph or greater and relative humidity of 15% or less. Dry thunderstorms cover 15% or more of an area.
Avoid all outdoor activities that could cause a spark or flame.
Online Wildfire and Weather Information
National Weather Service website This website is also referenced above through the Genesee Fire/Rescue webpage. This site has a lot of weather-related information that goes beyond wildfires and beyond Genesee.
Wildfire information apps
See also the Watch Duty Wildfire Map app for both Apple and Android phones. It is a free app, and the advanced version (which has a fee) may not be worth the additional information.