Staying Safe in Rattlesnake Country

Rattlesnakes have been expanding their range over the past few years. They are also emerging from their dens earlier than in past years. With our fox population wiped out from mange, the expanding rodent population is enticing for rattlesnakes.

  • If you see a rattlesnake on the trail, don’t try to find out if it really is a rattlesnake, take a few steps back and plan your next move.
  • 30/30 Rule – Walk 30 feet away from the snake and give it 30 seconds to leave the trail.
  • Wait for the snake to move, or if it isn’t moving, walk around it, giving it wide berth.
  • Carefully check your surroundings for other rattlesnakes if you move off trail.

Rattlesnakes are reclusive. They are not aggressive. They are reacting defensively, especially when they are surprised.


If you find a rattlesnake in your garage, at your back door, or elsewhere near your home, call Adaptation Environmental Services – 720-722-3237. They provide removal services and are recommended by our Jefferson County Open Space Park Rangers. They can also provide exclusion fencing in appropriate places to make areas around your home safe from rattlesnakes.

This is all information from our Jefferson County Open Space Park Ranger and Rattlesnake researcher – Andrew DuBois. The County does not conduct rattlesnake removals. But you can find out more:

There is an interactive page on the Jeffco Open Space site to report ANY wildlife encounters.


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