Article Guidelines
The editors welcome your contributions to The Genescene. To help you get started here are the basics:
What does the Foundation do with your Article?
Individual style is encouraged within the framework of proper language and content. The content must be factual, non-inflammatory, of relevant interest and benefit to the Genesee community and may not address political or religious issues or discussion of any candidate for an elected office. Promotion, solicitation or advertisement of any company or individual that imposes a charge or makes money on goods or services is not acceptable as articles, but may be included as paid advertising. We reserve the right to reject any submission that violates any of these guidelines. If that occurs, the submitter will be notified of the violation and offered an opportunity to correct it.
The Genescene is your community magazine and we welcome input from our residents. All submissions should be sent to and received no later than the 10th of the month 4pm to be published in the upcoming issue. Please do not send submissions to any other email address, the editors or the Communications Committee.
- To submit an article, club news, notice or announcement: include a title, your name or your committee or club’s name, and contact information (email or phone).
- To submit a photo: include an explanatory caption. Minimum quality standards for publication are described on the Genesee Foundation website.
- To submit a resident comment (AKA: Letter to the Editor): include the text of what you want to say, your name and your contact information.
Residents | Although we ask for your physical address, we typically only print your name and email address in the byline. However, if you wish for your address and/or phone number to appear, simply include it in the byline of the article.
Staff and Committee Members | Since members of the community may wish to contact you, we print your name, your official Genesee email address (ending in and your phone number.
Articles: 300 words
Committee Reports: 300 words
Board Communications: no restriction.
Special Articles: maximum length will be determined on a case-by-case basis