Other Safety Issues

Staying safe in many ways

While our main concern in Genesee seems to focus on wildfire safety, there are other issues that we need to be aware of that also fall into the category of safety. While this list may grow and change over time, here are some topics to be aware of:

  • Home and Property Protection: The topics here go beyond being safe from wildfires, looking more broadly into insurance coverage and the security of your home and property from human and non-human intruders.
  • Wildlife: Our neighborhood has grown into a land populated by critters of all sizes and types, from elk to bats. We, and especially our (human) visitors, need to be reminded how to act around those critters to keep both them and us safe.
  • TrafficIt is important to remember that while we live on or near county roads, this is still a neighborhood at heart. We need to be aware that neighbors (human and non) could endure significant injuries if we are not cautious as we travel near home.
  • Non-Emergency AssistanceSometimes it is the small things that threaten our safety, things that we can’t personally fix with ease. Calling on our neighbors or local specialists is something that we should not hesitate to do when the need arises.

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