Home and Property Protection

The Genesee Fire Rescue website has information on a wide range of topics to make, and keep, your home safe. See https://geneseefpd.colorado.gov/home-safety for the list of topics.


While insurance is covered briefly HERE in the context of wildfire safety, it is important to confirm that you have proper amounts and types of insurance to cover your home and its contents in the event of any catastrophic event.

Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association’s website has good general and Colorado-specific information as well as information about various catastrophic events (e.g., hail, wildfire, flood, mudslides, etc.). When making a claim, it is very important that you can document the items of value lost in a catastrophic event. There are now some apps available on Apple and Android devices for creating a home inventory.

In wildfires, such as the Marshall Fire, and other disasters, being underinsured and having no inventory of possessions seem to be the biggest roadblocks to recovery.

The webpage has a great deal of information on it, in small print. It may be overwhelming at first glance, but if you approach the information there with a specific topic in mind, you can find the information that  you need.


Although Genesee seems to be relatively safer than other neighborhoods commented upon in the Next Door app and reported by the Genesee Patrol (Jeffco Sheriff Department), it is still important to secure your home and vehicles.

Some simple precautions to take to improve your safety:

  • Lock any ungaraged vehicles for protection from humans and large animals.
  • When leaving your home, lock your doors. If you are gone for any length of time, be sure to close and lock any windows that are easily accessible from the outside.
  • Do not leave expensive or unusual items that are easily accessible outside of your home if you are gone.
  • Consider using the Genesee Patrol to check your home if you will be gone for any long time.

Genesee Patrol

Genesee Foundation has a contract with the Jefferson County Sheriff to provide security services. Off duty officers in a regular Jefferson County vehicle patrol the community in staggered shifts throughout the year. This budgeted service is in addition to normal patrols in the community by on duty officers. They enforce traffic laws and can provide more immediate response to crime calls if they are already in the community. In addition, residents can request vacation checks on their residence for up to 52 days/year, or extra Genesee patrol coverage for observation or investigation of unusual or suspicious circumstances, activity, or behavior.

Click on the links below for more information and forms.

Vacation Check Form

Extra Patrol Form


Volunteer in Genesee