Features of Genesee

Genesee is in unincorporated Jefferson County and is served by the Jefferson County school district. It is efficiently run by an elected Board of Directors and numerous volunteer committees. A simple quarterly assessment funds all Genesee’s services and amenities.


Genesee has its own on-site management staff, full-time maintenance team, security patrol by off-duty Jefferson County sheriff deputies (who also provide free vacation checks of homes while residents are away), weekly trash and recycling pickup, and snow plowing of the private drives. Genesee Water and Sanitation with its new state-of-the-art water treatment facility and large reservoir, services the community. With two full-time staff, Genesee Fire District is a volunteer department. In order to preserve our natural beauty and provide reliable service, all utilities are buried underground.


Genesee has three clubhouses, Vista, Foothills and the Oxley Homestead that include a lap pool, a family pool and a tot pool. Additionally you will find a well-equipped fitness center, tennis and pickleball courts, a library, meeting rooms, and a kitchen facility. Genesee is very proud of its twelve miles of private hiking trails that wind through our open space. Numerous community social groups and clubs include hiking, skiing, biking, several book clubs, gourmet, theater, music jam groups, poker, quilting, swim team and many others. Genesee hosts numerous events such as summertime outdoor concerts, a July 4th parade and BBQ, year-round First Friday get-togethers, and family-friendly parties and activities.


Foundation assessments are currently $710 per quarter. These fees cover the following:

  • Nine onsite staff dedicated to operational activities of the Genesee Foundation and seasonal open space staff.
  • Access to all our facilities, including pools, clubhouses, tennis pickleball courts, hiking trails, playground, and more. 
  • Trash/recycling and annual curbside chipping and pine needle pickup.
  • Jefferson County off-duty Sheriff Patrol including optional vacation checks.
  • Private drive snow plowing and maintenance.
  • Forest and trail management.
  • Many community events, such as the 4th of July Parade and Celebration, concerts, and First Friday.
  • Contributions to the Reserve fund to allow for maintenance, replacement, and improvements to the Foundation’s facilities and assets.
  • An Architectural Review Committee with two paid professionals.
  • The Genescene, our monthly newsletter and weekly emails.

ARC Standards

The Genesee Foundation is a covenant controlled community with a set of Architectural Design Standards developed to ensure that home improvements complement the natural environment. They, in turn, stabilize and improve property values in Genesee by maintaining a cohesive appearance of all structures so that they work well with the natural environment. Any addition or change to the exterior of a home must go through the ARC process. The Architectural Review Committee meets twice each month and is currently comprised of up to three resident volunteers and two paid professionals.

Genesee Trail System

The Genesee community enjoys approximately twelve miles of privately owned and maintained hiking trails located on its open space. Genesee’s trails take you through a diverse foothills ecosystem where you will find a variety of flora and fauna as well as wonderful vistas of the Front Range, Continental Divide and Mount Evans. New homeowners are provided a trail map. You may also purchase our full-color Genesee Trail book which provides detailed descriptions, maps and difficulty assessments.

Open Space

Our Open Space Manager implements and oversees forest health and weed management programs and administers our yearly fire mitigation projects and grants. Additionally they assist homeowners and the Foundation in obtaining grant funding for defensible space projects on private property. Working closely with the Trails Committee, he helps to maintain and improve our trail system.

Twelve hundred acres of Open Space Management involves:

  • Forest Management: Funding is focused on projects that reduce the risk of damage to property, infrastructure, water supplies, and steps to limit the likelihood of wildfires spreading into populated areas.
  • Erosion Control Management: Although erosion is a natural process, corrective maintenance is performed on areas of major erosion.
  • Weed Management: Licensed herbicide applicators are contracted to target noxious weeds, especially in areas of recent ground disturbances.
  • Insect and Disease Management: Removes diseased and beetle-killed trees when they threaten the health of the surrounding forest.
  • Trails Management: The maintenance and development of our system of hiking trails involves coordination with the Trails Committee and Open Space Manager.

Genesee Fire Protection District

The Genesee Fire Protection District includes Genesee and surrounding areas. GFR is a combination paid/volunteer organization with two full-time and thirty volunteer firefighters/EMT’s. The Genesee Fire Station is centrally located within our community and cooperative aid agreements with nearby fire departments and Highlands Rescue Team Ambulance District allow for quick and effective 24/7 fire and medical response to Genesee residents.


Genesee Fire and Rescue has a rating of 3 from the Insurance Services Office, placing it in the top 11% nationwide. This score determines how well a local fire department can protect its community and your home and is often used by insurance companies to set  rates. Click here for more information about this rating.

Genesee Water and Sanitation District

Genesee Water and Sanitation District is a special district formed in 1973 under the Colorado Special District Act. The District provides safe and reliable water and sanitation services to its residents. Our new, state-of-the-art water treatment plant and large reservoir are located within Genesee and provide our residents with ample clean water, even in times of drought.
